
Donate today to make a difference in the off-road motorcycle community!

NEW! The Caselli Club

Join The Caselli Club with a recurring donation and help protect and support the lives of off-road riders through safety initiatives and educational scholarships.

The Kurt Caselli Foundation is known for focusing on the safety of riders and racers in the off-road motorcycling industry. While we understand the inherent elements of danger in this industry, we aim to help minimize this danger to the best of our ability. The foundation has a three-part mission that encompasses safety precautions for riders before, during, and after a racing career.

As we grow, we ask you to help us sustain our operations by joining our NEW monthly giving program: The Caselli Club

Making a $10, $20, $66, $100, or $250+ donation every month grants entry to The Caselli Club and allows us to supply races/events with course marking supplies, host Riders 1st Responders first aid events, support riders with educational scholarships, and more.

As an inaugural member of The Caselli Club, you will receive:

  • A special KC66 pin to wear at events (not available through any other channel)

  • Recognition on our website under The Caselli Club page

  • Exclusive early access to tickets for our annual fundraising events

    • $66 (or more) monthly* donors will receive two complimentary tickets to each of our two annual TKCF fundraising events. *Monthly donation must be active at time of fundraising event to receive tickets.

Your support today creates a legacy for off-road riders, racers, event promoters —and our sport. Thank you for being part of our journey. We appreciate your support!